Friday, March 9, 2012

Which one do you go for: Star wars the old republic online, or Guild Wars 2, or Diablo 3?

Star wars development cost more than $115 million, making it the most expensive MMORPG ever made, costs $15 monthly

Guild Wars 2, has no subscription fee, it's free to play.

whats your choice?Which one do you go for: Star wars the old republic online, or Guild Wars 2, or Diablo 3?
Guild Wars 2 is the only one of the three that looks to be truely revolutionary. It has the most important features that SWTOR has as well (good personal story, fully voiced, character customization, etc), but in addition it has many new features that look like this could cause a change in the way MMO's are made... such as dynamic events that persistently change the world around you, an active combat system in which you can move and dodge while fighting, World vs World pvp in which 3 servers battle against each other, a new way of doing underwater combat, and much more. And yes, it doesn't have monthly fees!

Do note that GW2 isn't "free to play"... it's "buy to play", meaning you need to buy the box (or a license key), but you don't have to pay monthly fees. So it's just a one-time investment.

The only downside: SWTOR can already be played right now, while GW2 doesn't have a release date yet, and will probably not be released until Q2 2012 (or maybe even later). So if you want to play something now... play SWTOR (or Skyrim) for a few months, then pick up GW2 when it is released.Which one do you go for: Star wars the old republic online, or Guild Wars 2, or Diablo 3?
all of them most definatly.

i hate modern or alien games like SC2 or w/e although great engine and great game. star wars gonig to lack graphics which is fine for most ppl but it got new system for mmo and 3 major companies are adding their special technoligy in that game for example bioware adding choices in NPC story chat, and they've been working on its beta since 2008 and ppl are not complaining about the game which we can assume it will come out good, but still we never can be sure but keep hoping.

and for guild wars 2, no healer no dps no tank ? only support ? no fees ? great graphics OMG i can;t wait but still it will be like skyrim probably but with people around you, and still it might be boring if it got quests like wow for example "kill 10 ppl" collect 10 drop and so on...which i hope not cuz skyrim would be way better... but still we can hope for something from that game.

and diablo 3..i am one of the biggest fans for blizzard games and diablo 3... i just don't know..i know blizzard got their own touch with games which makes them special but diablo 3 ....come on it might be boring...i played torch light it's a good game but i got bored in like 1 hour, and i think it's the system playing with the mouse thing...or something i'm just not sure but i have expectation it will be a big fail, otherwise why would blizzard work on that game for many years now and always delays it.

but still im playing them all no matter what :D

too much words :p i kno i'm just excited i hope i can live to play these games and to play generals 2 in 2013 :SWhich one do you go for: Star wars the old republic online, or Guild Wars 2, or Diablo 3?
I personally would NOT go for Diablo, maybe Guild wars 2...

But SWTOR is the definitly best of those three.

Im currently like skrim at the momment...but if i were to switch (Which would never happen!.... unless I took an arrow to the knee) Star wars The Old Republic would be my next choice.
Star Wars: the Old Republic.

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